Grow Shellfish! It's a Delicious Way to Help the Environment.
In 2006 nine adventurous shoreline dwellers from Bainbridge Island teamed up with Puget Sound Restoration Fund to begin gardening on their tidelands. The beaches varied greatly in substrate type from the calm, muddy inlets of Port Madison Bay to the exposed and gravelly beaches near Lynwood Center. Today over 120 families have planted shellfish gardens around the island and continue to send us reports of their “absolutely fabulous clams” and “fantastic oysters.”
Don't miss out on growing your own oysters, clams and mussels. The Puget Sound Restoration Fund will host it's annual Shellfish Seed Sale from their Bainbridge Island office. A variety of baby clams, oysters, and mussels will be available for shoreline residents to grow them on their own beaches.
The shellfish gardening program:
- Help residents make the connection between environmental stewardship and their dinner plate
- Raise awareness about water quality issues in Puget Sound
- Clean water by increasing populations of filter-feeding shellfish
- Provide habitat for the marine species that benefit from oyster bed protection
- Get people excited about growing, eating and sharing their bounty!
If you are interested in becoming a shellfish gardener, the PSRF can set you up with everything you need (seed, grow bags, rope, and stakes). Shellfish gardening requires little maintenance and is a great way to produce your own food while helping to cleanse the waters of Puget Sound.
Do something good for the environment while enjoying a culinary delight!
June 8th, 8:00AM - 11:30AM,
Our seed sale is for pre-orders ONLY.
Email for more information or to get an order form.
P: 206.780.6947.